.286 | to Kelly, from McKinlee

I met Kelly on the beach my very first time open water swimming in the freezing Puget Sound. I hadn't swam in nearly 5 years but it was peak pandemic, I just moved to a new city, started an incredibly difficult job working with COVID patients and I needed an outlet. Kelly changed her plans and swam with me. And from that day forward she has been my best friend here in Seattle, a place that feels like home but during a time when I struggled to find my own purpose. Despite the difficulties of her own life living through a pandemic Kelly showed up for me on every beautiful and challenging day. Over the past year Kelly and I have swam nearly every day together, but our friendship goes much beyond that. Kelly has shown up for me even when I felt like I wasn't being the friend she deserved. Some of my darkest pandemic days have been brightened by her random vegan treats, invites, poems and face time calls just to say hi.

Kelly, thank you for being the type of friend you could only dream of meeting when you move to a city where you know no one in the middle of a pandemic. I am grateful for our connection and it is hard to put into words the meaning behind our friendship. Thank you for your unconditional friendship, your goofiness, your willingness to be absolutely crazy with me on a daily basis swimming and for your unique existence. The world, this city, and my life are filled with so much sunshine because of you. Thank you for being you.