.223 Nicole

Nicole and I officially became acquainted with each other when she lent her incredible photography talents to the TEDx event we were planning. If her phenomenal eye wasn’t enough to impress, then her sweet demeanor and kind presence did the trick. She has always been so wonderfully compassionate and sees me (and I’m sure everyone else) for exactly who I am.

I actually did some digging and I last saw Nicole exactly 5 years ago this week before I moved my life to New York City. We had coffee in DC and she was as curious, intelligence, and purposeful with her words and actions as she is today. Her presence is super calming and I adore her ability to make something out of anything when it comes to ideas, drive and ambition. She’s always been a true talent that I enjoy watching excel and I’m grateful for us to have worked together in DC.

Nicole, thank you for being so kind to me and for your unwavering support of me and my projects. Thank you for being such a wonderful listener and for so clearly being someone who pays attention to the smallest of details. Thank you, Nicole, for being you.