.328 | to yaya, from shabs

Shawya is my littlest sister. Though she's not that little and towers over me, especially when she's wearing her rocking gogo boots. I had just turned 13 years old when our little Yaya was born. She had spiky hair as a baby, a pacifier perpetually in her mouth, and was a late talker. But once she started, boy did she have a lot to say.

To this day, Shawya is the talker amongst my three sisters. Always a story to share. A joke to make. A rallying march cry to chant. A well researched argument to present. Which I appreciate immensely - especially when you come from a big, loud immigrant family prone to exaggeration.

But that is not why I'm grateful for Shawya. I am grateful to Shawya because she is the human who has taught me the most about living a life of empathy, self-love, and acceptance, and how to be of genuine support to the people you love. I give keynotes around the world on how to connect with others and show gratitude, and yet she is the example I try to live up to.

Having just become a mom, Shawya also shows up for me and my son in the kindest, most unconditionally loving way. Whenever I'm particularly upset or hurt by something that has happened or something someone has said, she finds a way to make me feel seen and heard and understood. And she has an incredible superpower of finding peace and compromise in every situation.

Shawya, thank you for always listening. For always making me laugh. For always willing to deliver a cheeky performance. For being passionate about change. For being the biggest cheerleader for everyone you love. Thank you for being Yaya.